Wednesday, 19 March 2014

DVD Inlay - Screenshots

One of the last things I need to do now to finish off the DVD case is to put the 3 screenshots on the back. The plan for these was to try to put familiar weapons & HUD from the Doom series and then use the background gameplay showing enemies from Duke Nukem and vice versa. These would be instantly recognisable to fans of both series.

So first off I need to get 2 in-game screenshots, 1 from Doom for the background and then one from Duke Nukem 3D for the HUD and the weapon.

Here is the Doom screenshot that I chose.

The doom screenshot is showing the effect of the Doom guy firing missiles at normal grunts so the effect is pretty extreme! To keep the continuity going I will want to have the Duke HUD and with him also using a missile launcher type weapon. With that in mind please see the screenshot I selected below.

Here you can see the Duke HUD and the missile launcher he uses so the trick will be getting just the HUD and missile launcher selected and to import them into the Doom image.

A potential issue is that whilst the missile launcher in Doom is positioned in the middle of the screen the missile launcher in Duke Nukem 3D is actually positioned off to the right. Therefore I will also need to get rid of the missile launcher from Doom. However I did bear this in mind when I chose the Doom picture. The surroundings to the missile launcher tube in Doom I purposefully kept it to just the greenish floor texture. This should enable me to use the content aware move tool to scrub the launcher out of the picture.

First I need to convert the Doom picture to RGB mode via the Image menu and mode option - then I select RGB. This allows me to use the content aware move tool. Using this I can draw around the missile launcher and then selects piece of the ground to replace it with. This gives me something like this.

Next up I can use the spot healing brush to get rid of the fuzzing around the area in the middle.

Once this has been completed I can now look to move the Duke HUD and missile launcher on top of the current Doom HUD.

To select the Duke HUD I use the rectangular marquee tool to get the main Duke HUD along the bottom. I then ensure that add to selection is selected up at the top and use the magnetic lasso tool to go around the missile launcher. This gave me the outline pretty easily. I then zoomed in and used the rectangular marquee tool at the pixel level to add or subtract areas where the marquee tool wasn't quite perfect. This gave me a good selection for the missile launcher and HUD. (You'll probably need to make the below image as large as possible to see the selection)!

Then I can just drag and drop the the HUD over to the Doom image and drop it on top.

Here is the altered image. Given how small it is on the DVD case it actually looks quite good.

I just want to create a border around it to give it a bit of definition and to make it stand out more from the picture that it is on.

So I merge the layers together and then move that onto a new image space which is larger than the current picture. I then use the paint bucket tool to paint the entire thing blue and put my image on top of it. I then select just around the main image which gives me a nice little border and drag that onto my dvd inlay. Then I just need to resize it to fit the space using the move tool and transform controls.

I follow similar procedures for the next couple of pictures.

However, in one of the feedback sessions for my work it is noted that having different HUD's actually looks odd. I therefore decide to change the Duke HUD's to Doom ones, just leaving the Duke weapons. I also cut and paste a Duke Nukem head into the space where the Doom guy's head is to make it look as though the Duke character is playing.

Here are the finished screenshots as they look on the DVD case.

Really all I have left to do now is the legal disclaimer, placing the company logos's and the "blurb" on the back.

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